Inside The Book

An informative read, giving an honest account of the ups and downs, insights of what worked best, how I got the most out of my resources  and more. Every chapter’s Action Plan is tailored to provide practical help specific to your own career change goal. 

The appendices assist you in getting the most out the book and also provide additional useful tips. Included in the appendices is an example of how someone could complete the Action Plans based on a fictitious person – for example purposes. 



Chapter 1: Follow The Yellow ‘Progress’ Road

Chapter 2: Will The Real Motivation Factor Please Shout Up 

Chapter 3: A Journey Of Little Wins 

Chapter 4: The Change Toolkit

Action Plan 5 – Get The Most Out Of Your Journey

Action Plans

The Action Plans included in the book are:

  1. Gain Perspective On Your Career Goal
  2. Understanding The Motivation Behind Your Goal(s)
  3. Setting The Foundations For Your Career Change Journey
  4. Be the best you you can be! 
  5. Get The Most Out Of Your Journey

To Do List


The appendices included in the book are:

Appendix 1 Action Plan Guidance Notes
Appendix 2 Action Plan Template
Appendix 3 Illustration To Support Action Plan 2
Appendix 4 Tips For Information Gathering
Appendix 5 Example Of Action Plans In Use


The Inspiration

You want to take that leap seeking a new career, but it’s not easy – where do you start?

Hearing about someone else’s experience can provide a great wealth of information. In A Personal Look At Changing Career, I provide a personal account of my journey.  I don’t hold back – you get the downs and the ups!  You will hear of the key areas of success and receive guidance that is tailored to help you get the most out of the book specific to your own goals.

#APersonalLookAtChangingCareer #APLACC

All artwork & text is owned and copyrighted  © by -June Ogterop